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  • Tags: Food

3rd Series Pokémon BW (Best Wishes!) Get! Stickers
With 1 sticker (out of 80 types)
A game themed Furikake package, which includes 20 packs of Furikake (4 Flavors: Egg: 6 packs, Salmon: 6 packs, Okaka/Dried Bonito Flakes: 4 packs, Vegetable 4…


A game themed fish sausages (4 pieces of sausage in a package). The package includes 1 double-sticker of Pokémon and 4 fish sausages. The sticker is one of 60 types (Evolution Version). Sausage dietary information (per sausage):
Energy: 25 kcal,…


Energy drink with Ken Masters from Street Fighter on. It contains vitamins B6 and B12, Niacin, Pant Acid, Taurine 1000mg, Caffeine 120mg, and Inositol 50mg.

Energy drink with Donkey Kong picture on. It contains 4 different vitamins (B3, B6, B12, B5), Taurine 1000mg, Caffeine 120mg, Inositol 50mg, Guarana extract (seed) 25mg, Panax Ginseng (root) 25mg. With official Nintendo seal.

Energy drink with Mario from Mario Bros. on. It contains 4 different vitamins (B3, B6, B12, B5), Taurine 1000mg, Caffeine 120mg, Inositol 50mg, Guarana extract (seed) 25mg, Panax Ginseng (root) 25mg. With official Nintendo seal.

A water bottle with EA, Electronic Arts, Logo. Natural Spring Water.

Mix of Peanut butter chips, Peanuts, Strawberries, Strawberry jelly chips, and Sweet bread.

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Lunch kit includes Hawaiian punch flavored enriched fruit punch drink, Pizza crust, Pizza sauce, Mozzarella cheese, American cheese, and Chocolate Pudding.
Instant win games are featured:
-- 375 winners for Game Boy Advance SP with Nintendo Donkey…

Pez Candy Emperor Palpatine Star Wars Dispenser with 2 Pez candies (orange and lemon flavors)

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Lollipop candy with a Mario's face on. With official Nintendo seal on.

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Fruit flavored gummies in Super Mario Bros.themed box package. There are 4 flavors: Orange, Strawberry, Watermelon, and Mixed Berries. With official Nintendo seal on.

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Hard candy in Pac-Man themed tin can (color blue).
Blue ghost character name: Bashful
Nickname: Inky

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Cinnamon Mint flavor hard candy (color pink) in a Diablo-themed tin can.

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Contains 6 fruit flavors: Cherry, Lemon, Rasberry, Apple, Grape, and Strawberry
This is the 2nd out of 4 versions in total.

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Halo 3 themed Mountain Dew Game Fuel. Citrus Cherry Flavor. Limited Edition can.
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