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  • Tags: fabric patch

Achievement patches given out by Activision for reaching 3,800 points (Order of the Supreme Starmaster, game 1), 5,700 points (Leader, game 2), 7,600 points (Wing Commander, game 3), 9,000 points (Starmaster, game 4). The Order of the Supreme Master…

An achievement patch given out by Activision for defeating the entire Dreadnaught fleet on level 4 or higher. The patch has a portion of the Earth and what appears to be a brown large space ship above it. Right in the middle is a four winged space…

Another achievement patch given out by Activision for reaching 6 missions at 7,500 points in the Space Shuttle video game. The patch is similar in shape to an eye and has metal-like wings stretched out with a space shuttle facing outward in the…

An achievement patch given out by Activision for reaching 4 or 5 missions with 4,500 points in the Space Shuttle video game. The patch has a space shuttle in the middle of it and takes up most of the space. Beneath is a small portion of the Earth…

An achievement patch given out by Activision for reaching 15,000 points in the River Raid video game. The patch is red, orange, yellow, light yellow, blue, and green in color. there are lines that imitate the wind sliced by the jet that is flying…

An achievement patch given out by Activision for reaching 10,000 points in the Chopper Command video game. The patch is red, yellow, and brown with a helicopter in the center and three downward facing chevrons in the color pattern brown, yellow, and…

An achievement patch given out by Activision for achieving 100,000 points in the Laser Blast video game. It is orange and black with a rainbow and a laser blaster. It says Commander and below that Activision Federation of Laser Blasters.

Red "Z" tetrimino from the video game Tetris.

Blue "J" tetrimino from the video game Tetris.

Fabric patch of an edible ghost in the video game Pac-Man

Fabric Patch of a piranha plant from Super Mario Bros.

Fabric patch of the video game company Oddworld Inhabitants
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