Browse Items (12824 total)

Nicht-interaktive Marktsimulation, komplex, mittelgroßes Unternehmen; „A very complex general management model” (Kibbee/Craft/Nanus 1961, 334)

Supermarkt-Management; “Quarterly expenditure decisions by top supermarket management in advertising, special promotions and traffic leaders; stock maintenance; product and market research. Single product line sold competitively in 2 marketing areas”…

Komplexes Marketing Game mit freien Rollenspielelementen; „This game is one of the most detailed games that exist. Each team makes many decisions in marketing as well as in other functional areas. For each kind of decisionsay, product quality- a…

“Quarterly general management decisions on production, research and development, marketing, plant capacity, price, market research, bank loans, and dividends. Prices of the company's stock vary with corporate effectiveness and help determine lines of…

“APEX ist im Prinzip eine Weiterentwicklung des Planspiels METRO
(…) mit dem Einbau eines zusatzlichen Elements, der Luftverschmutzung. lnhalt sind demgemag die Probleme der Stadte- und Regionalplanung unter spezieller Beriicksichtigung der…

Top Management Game (bspw. UCLA) wird als Datengenerator benutz und ein Konkurrenzmarkt gespielt; „Permits players to form and operate a number of business firms in a small competitive industry. A top management game (e.g., the UCLA game) is used as…

“The game is designed to show the basic problems of production control and to increase the player's understanding of the relationship of production scheduling to other areas of the firm.” (Graham/Gray 1969, 368)

submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in English in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Chicago, 1998
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